Friday, 26 March 2010

To baby

面对 离开他就好了 就散了
心情很干脆 他其实没有那么绝对
远一点 你就看出真伪
转个弯 你还能飞 就别再为他流泪
就算有一天 有没一点点后悔 也不要太狼狈
把那遗憾丢在大雨的街 你存在迷失的旅途中
以后为自己醉 每段感情都非常珍贵 他的好你就放在心扉
记得有个人曾让你那样的心碎 你笑了 遮掩眼目的黑
什么梦 都不比你 的美 多想你以后想起他
还要学体会 但是你无所谓 就别再为他流泪
别再让他操控你的伤悲 就算有一天
有没一点点后悔 也不要太狼狈
他不值得你的泪 把那遗憾丢在大雨的街
你存在迷失的旅途中忙碌追 以后为自己醉
就别再为他流泪 别再让他操控你的伤悲
就算有一天 有没一点点后悔 也不要太狼狈
他不值得你的泪 把那遗憾丢在大雨的街
你存在迷失的旅途中忙碌追 以后管他是谁

To the fucker.

Mr S
I dont think i know you,perhaps you heard about me before but however you are nothing for me as i only treat u as a shit, a fucking useless shit..

You the one who clearly understands why she dumped you!

You are a fucking asshole controller of her life, have you even think of she has her own life and own friends. And you being fucking sick because you are forcing her to accompany you when u are bored after she been working long day. Yes, when you are bored ,a fucking stupid reason out of your stupid dick mind!!!!!

You are a idiot because you are so selfish!!You only think of yourself all the time and you trying to get her to treat you as the centre of her life!Have you ever think what she really wants.
Unfortunely man, i am telling you now, you will not get this chance to give her what she wants because what you have done after you being dumped have fully dissapointed her!

Yourself know what you did!!!!Getting money which you have paid her for some reason?Well she has returned you!!The fucking idiot step u did was really pissed me off!!

EVERYBODY this fucking idiot REFUSED to repay the credit card amount that her ex gf paid on behalf of her!!This is called MAN?yes, a man without DICK!!

What else he did?He created a blog!He created himself as an angel which dumped by her gf, to win all sympaties from others! He created a story, pointed his gf having affair with others!!!

Well this fellow has not be qualified as a Man anymore>>He is the worst person i ever seen in my life!!!I wish you all the best in your future life and keep on your lies because you can only be survived by the sympathies given by other and keep yourself in to a FUCKING DREAMING HELL!!!

All the best to you dickhead! and dun worry, your ex,yes your ex gf( i know she is shamed of you and she only wants to get over of you now) will not give you a fuck and a drop of tears!!!Because YOU R NOT BODY FOR HER now,you are just a FUCKER!!

Hey everybody please understand that the above article is 18x, please forgive me if any swearing works make you feel unconfortable haha..

Baby, you know i m your supporter!!Muaks